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Interested persons must send a cover letter and resume to Jaclyn M. Hashmat, Township Manager, Township of Teaneck 818 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666 or on or before April 15, 2025. For additional information, please call (201)837-1600 ext. 1001.
The pilot program will run from April 27-October 27, 2025. All pilot participants should have received an email sent March 7 from the Neighborhood Compost Team with details about the program, including when and where to pick up your free home compost buckets and eco liners. If you missed the opportunity to be part of the pilot program, please send an email to with your name, address and phone number and we will add you to the waitlist for the next phase of the Teaneck Compost Program (exact date TBD).
H5N1, also known as “bird flu,” is a disease caused by influenza A viruses, and is carried and
spread by wild birds. While bird flu primarily affects poultry and other birds, the virus can also
infect cattle, other animals, and humans. Currently, bird flu is widespread in wild birds globally,
causing outbreaks in poultry and dairy cows. While the risk of bird flu infection remains low for
the general public, the Teaneck Health Department continues to collaborate with state and
federal agencies to monitor and respond to any developments.
TEANECK. NJ— As a way to educate and encourage students to consider elder care and related professions as career paths, Age Friendly Teaneck will sponsor a four-week Exploring Careers in Aging Internship for four outstanding and motivated high school juniors or seniors in Summer 2025. Each student will receive a $1,500 stipend, thanks to a grant from a small family foundation. More information and the application can be found at Or, contact the organization at
See Updates from the Town Council's Pedestrian Safety Task Force Here -
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