2025 Cat License Renewal
2025 Cat License Renewal Notification
The Teaneck Health Department would like to remind cat owners that current cat licenses expire on March 31st. Cat owners have until May 31, 2025 to renew their cat licenses without any penalty.
FEE: $15 for not spayed/neutered OR $12 for spayed/neutered.
Renewal applications are being mailed at the end of March. Residents who have new cats or are up for renewal may either pay online at www.teanecknj.gov (under Building & Businesses/Applications, Permits, and License) or you may come in-person.
Free rabies shots can be arranged through the Bergen Veterinary Hospital at (201) 837-3470 or Bergen County Animal Shelter at (201) 229-4600 (Residents must call for available clinic dates).
Cat owners should also note that, per NJ State guidelines, rabies shots that expire prior to February 1, 2026 are NOT valid for licensing purposes.
Please make check/money order payable to the “Township of Teaneck” and forward all paperwork and fee(s) to the following address:
Teaneck Health Department
Attn: Licensing Division
818 Teaneck Road
Teaneck NJ 07666
If you have any questions, contact the Teaneck Health Department at 201-837-1600 ext. 1500 or Email us
Contact Us
Township of Teaneck
818 Teaneck Road
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Phone: (201) 837-1600