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Open Gym Sports

Picture Of Rodda Center Gym

The Teaneck Rodda Center is proud to host adult and youth open gym sports. 

Adult Open Gym Basketball

Adult open gym co-ed basketball program is open from November to May at the Richard Rodda Center in Gym #2.

The program is separated into two groups:

  1. Monday nights from 9:15pm to 10:30pm, Ages 18 through 27
  2. Wednesday nights from 9:15pm to 10:30pm, Ages 28 and over

Please follow the guidelines below:

  1. Any rough play or disrespectful behavior will result in immediate dismissal.
  2. All participants must adhere to supervisors; failure to adhere will result in gym closure.
  3. All participants must present a current Teaneck photo ID (driver’s license or county ID) every night.
  4. All participants must wear sneakers.
  5. No food or beverages are allowed in the gymnasiums.
  6. We are not responsible for any valuables left on the premises.
    No dunking or hanging on the rims.

Youth Open Gym Basketball

Open gym basket ball is available for youth during the school year on days when there is a half-day of school or when school is on holiday break. 

Games are separated into two ages groups:

Grades 5 through 8 play in gym #2 12:30pm to 2:15pm

Grades 9 through 12 play in gym #2 2:15pm to 4:00pm

Please follow the guidelines below:

  1. This program is for students only in Grades 5—12.
  2. Each student wishing to participate must provide current school ID.
  3. We are not responsible for any articles of clothing or other personal possessions.
  4. No food or beverages are allowed in the gymnasium.
  5. No loitering in the hallway or lobby.
  6. No dunking or hanging on the rims will be permitted.
  7. Any rough play or disrespectful conduct will result in immediate dismissal.

Adult Open Gym Soccer

Adult co-ed open gym soccer program is available for Teaneck residents age 18 and over January through May. 

Games are played on Tuesday nights, 9:15pm to 10:30pm in Gym #1

Please see the guidelines below:

  1. Any rough play or disrespectful behavior will result in immediate dismissal.
  2. All participants must adhere to supervisors; failure to adhere will result in gym closure.
  3. All participants must present a current Teaneck photo ID (Driver’s license or county ID) every time.
  4. We are not responsible for any valuables left on the premises.
  5. No food or beverages allowed in gymnasiums.
  6. All participants must wear sneakers.
  7. Shin-guards are strongly suggested for all participants.
  8. Games will commence promptly at 9:30 pm.
  9. No overhead balls will be allowed; shoulder-height only

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